Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Chapter 6- selection employee Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Chapter 6- selection employee - Assignment Example Issuing application forms, this helps one to know the qualifications of the applicant using documentation, the put in information about their past and present job experiences, their personal information like age, addresses, likes, and marital status. The application forms can also be used as evidence incase documentation is needed. Most employers use application forms during interviews as basis questions such as the former employees and working experience. I would also recommend that the dean employ the use of interviews in the process of finding a good candidate for the post of Human Resource professor, this would be very effective if he followed the right procedure in the interview. Using the candidate’s application form during the interview would be very effective in clarification on some pieces of information that one may not get right. Interview is also effective in getting information about the applicant; this is the information that was not contained in the application form. There is also the possibility of using ability tests on the applicants, these kind of tests are use to determine the applicants abilities and skills in certain fields, this is very effective since it helps to know some added information about the applicant. This might some co-curricular skill that they may possess, these tests can be issued inform of pencil and paper tests or job tests, those that may include more of physical input. However, this depends on certain factors, for example, in the case of a human resource officer, and one applicant is elderly and obviously not as strong as their young and energetic counterpart, I would not advice the dean to employ the use of job tests that require so much physical input since it may favor one of the applicants. The pass mark in this type of job application can be lowered or heightened depending on the number of applicants and their scores. One should be very careful when giving out this kind of job application method; it is advis able that they have very clear skills of judgment, in the case of a HR professor; the applicant should have exemplary socialization skills, speech, listening, conflict resolution, and mediation. These would be an added advantage in the job. In this case, I would advise the dean to employ the use of pencil and paper test, or in the case of job tests, I would ask them to solve different types of disputes among the students and judge who is the most effective in it. For the post, I would recommend an applicant who is joyful and does not drug their personal problems to work since it may alter with their work, especially because it involves constant interaction with people. Temperamental people would not be recommended for this job. As much as the use of interview is recommended in job applications so that the employer should have good personal exchange with the candidate, it has its shortcomings, these shortcoming s mainly come with the interviewer. The interviews in most cases lack sub jects and structure, such shortcomings may bring about mistakes such as difference in the questions asked to the applicants which may then cause rate error, whereby it is hard to weigh the amount of marks one should offer on certain questions, and since the questions were different to every employer, it may cause biasness. It may also be different to come up with the most appropriate person for the job since most of the interviewers have different opinions about the performance of the candidate. Some people tend to like certain
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Human Resource practices in Grameen Phone Company
Human Resource practices in Grameen Phone Company 3.1 HR at Grameen Phone-HR management is about managing people in organizations as effectively as possible for the good of the employees, the company, and society. In GP managing human resources is becoming more and more important to the success of all divisions of the company. With the honest and coordinated effort, HR plays a key role in realizing the vision and strategic direction of the company. In the contribution of GP, the HR Team is a beautiful blend of bright, innovative, enthusiastic and professional members. The entire HR team has had excellent drive to translate concepts into reality. Thus, in within a short period they have accomplished so many successes in the arena of employee benefit and recognition at home and abroad. HR has very actively participated and sponsored HR conferences and meetings in Bangladesh. Thus they are contributing to the uplift of Human Resources in Bangladesh. They are looking forward to be corporate member of Bangladesh Society for Human Resourc e Management (BSHPM).This indicates that they would like to be a part of the professional institution building for HR in Bangladesh. Moreover, the HR division has launched the HR News which has started its journey from May2000 is also another Employee Development initiative. Thus, overall HR of GP is moving forward and playing even stronger role in every year by upholding the team spirit and harmonizing interdepartmental relationship. Human Resources (HR) Department, an important part of Administration Division plays very vital role in the total functioning of Grameen Phone Employee recruitment, selection, transfer, promotion, training, performance appraisal all these are conducted by HR division. The informal structure of HR according to its functions can be classified into three main categories they are: u ma Human Resource Management (HRM) Human Resource Development (HRD) Human Resource management Information system (HR- MIS) Human Resource practices in Grameen Phone Company 3.2 Human resource planning Effective human resource planning (HRP) can be one of the most rewarding aspects of work in human resource management. Effective planning can enhance the success of the organization while minimizing the amount of suffering resulting from poorly anticipated labor surpluses or shortages. In the line of business plan, HRP at GP starts. HRP is tagged with business Plan such as potential investment, subscribers, market shares etc. There is a strong correlation between subscriber and employees requirement. 3.3 Demand of Human Resource Forecasting of Human Resource Demand is done fully on Judgment. The method in this respect used is bottom-up forecasting. Each unit, branch or department estimates its own future need for employees. The sum of the estimated unit needs is the demand forecast for the whole organization 3.4 Mission, Vision, Objectives Strategies of Grameen Phone Company Vision Ideas that Simplify CompanyMission The vision will be achieved by Connecting Bangladesh with ease and care Being user-friendly Providing value for money Providing simple and timely connections Having a right and understandable process Objectives and Mission of the Grameen Phone The objectives of HR at GP are: To be strategic business partner with the line managers. To create an attractive work environment. HR missions at GP are: To attract, develop and retain qualified employees so that they can contribute to business goal. To create an environment which facilitates are effective performance and enhances employee morale and satisfaction. Grameen Phones basic strategy is the coverage of both urban and rural areas. The Company has devised its strategies so that it earns healthy returns for its shareholders and at the same time, contributes to genuine development of the country. In short, it pursues a dual strategy of good business and good development. Serving the mass market is one of GPs primary goals. By serving the general public as opposed to niche markets, the Company plans to achieve economies of scale and healthy profits. At the same time, service to the general public means connectivity to a wider population and general economic development of the country. In contrast to the island strategy followed by some companies, which involves connecting isolated islands of urban coverage through transmission links, Grameen Phone builds continuous coverage, cell after cell. While the intensity of coverage may vary from area to area depending on market conditions, the basic strategy of cell-to-cell coverage is applied throughout Grameen Phones network. In addition, GP has positioned itself to capitalize on the declining prices of handsets, making its goal to serve the general public realistic. Company Strategy Grameen Phone follows strategies at three levels. Those are described below: Functional Level Strategy Grameen Phones focus is on efficiency, quality, innovation, and customer responsiveness. This enables Grameen Phone to earn competitive advantage over the competitors. Business Level Strategy Grameen Phone mainly applies cost leadership strategy. In addition, they also apply differentiation strategy as their business level strategy. Corporate Level Strategy Grameen Phone follows related diversification as their corporate level strategy. It enables them to keep the cost lower. 3.5 Supply of Human Resource Manpower planning is an important function of HR management section. Two major activities in this function are: Planning and forecasting the organizations short-term and long-term human resource requirements. Analyzing the jobs in the organization and determining skills and abilities that are needed. Grameen Phone has both internal and external supply of labor force. 3.5.1 Internal Supply The HR department maintains a strong HRIS for internal supply. It keeps all types of employee data ranging from skill inventory to selection out. For senior level post, they hire internally in most of the case. For senior level position, they are some times from external source. They maintain replacement chart as a part of succession planning. 3.5.2 External Supply HR division has policy to manage labor supply externally such as: Online recruitment policy to attract people from outside as well. Use the temporaries with the help of their HRIS. Rehire the retired person: they have few examples of such case. No formal organizationally sponsored career planning is in existence now, but the HR unit is considering it with due importance and now working on it to implement in near future.HR department ensures integration between HRP and strategic planning of the organization.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Barnsley Venue Guide :: essays research papers
Music and Arts Guide      The following document features a variety of different venues in Barnsley, which are good for live bands or DJs. This should be of use to any unsigned band wishing to get gigs in the area. Some places might pay to have a band, others don’t. It all depends on the quality/ size of the venue and how well known you are as a band or DJ.      This is Butterfield’s Bar on Market Hill, Barnsley. Tel: 01226 733854. It’s a trendy town centre bar, which serves a good range of food every day from 11am to 7pm. As far as evenings go, Wednesday is student night with two for one offers on all drinks and there is a DJ playing every Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Butterfield’s also has bands playing sometimes when it is not a DJ night. Overall, It is a very clean and well-run bar.      This is Bodegas Bar on Pitt Street, Barnsley. Tel 01226 210220. Website – It is a lively student pub with Pool tables, Darts, two large TV screens and cheap drinks all the time. They have live bands every Wednesday, which are usually Rock or Heavy Metal in style.      Chennell’s Bar on Pitt Street Barnsley. Tel 01226 210220. A popular pub for meals and drinks due to the low prices and decent quality. The dà ©cor is old-fashioned but this is still one of the busiest pubs in town due to the friendly staff and cheap drinks. It is not really a place where bands play often; however, It would be worth a try if you could not get gigs anywhere else.      The Lord Nelson on Shambles Street, Barnsley. Tel 01226 737151. A student friendly pub with cheap pints upon production of student ID. There is a quiet bar upstairs with a pool table and plenty of room for drinking and eating. Downstairs is a music bar with a dance floor, which is open every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday night. It is a fairly good venue with plenty of room both on the dance floor and the stage area.      Durty O’Dwyers Bar on Market Hill, Barnsley. 01226 786100.Website – An Irish theme bar with associated dà ©cor and a good food menu from 11am to 3pm daily. It is a fairly small place with live bands on Wednesday nights and Sunday afternoons. There is also a practice room upstairs for  £10.      Panama Joe’s is on Pitt Street, Barnsley.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Critical Analysis of Langston Hughes’ “I, Too†Essay
Langston Hughes wrote the poem, â€Å"I, Too†in the midst of the Harlem Renaissance, a period of Black American history which brought to light unique views of the world through the eyes of a people who were often subjugated and downtrodden. Issues of racial prejudice were prevalent during the Harlem Renaissance and segregation a fact of life. In the poem, â€Å"I,Too,†Hughes brings attention to this subjugation by portraying the life of a black male servant. He puts forth his views of the treatment other people of his race have long had to endure through the masterful use of symbolism, irony and simple diction. There are many examples of symbolism in the poem, â€Å"I, Too†. America is used as a symbol to portray the concepts of equality, diversity, and perseverance. By reminding readers that the country allowed and condoned segregation of his race, Hughes points out that although this was a form subjugation, it could be overcome. Even though America was at fault, the country still provided opportunities for those who would dare to try harder, to grow stronger, to push past the embarrassment of being labeled differently. America could still hold hope for people of any race. As well, the use of the word â€Å"I†in both the poem’s title and throughout the verses, is a symbol. Hughes uses himself as the quintessential example of his Black American heritage in a way that provokes the reader to think about he, and his race, are perceived. In using the title, â€Å"I, Too†, Langston Hughes portrays himself as yet another symbol of a portion of the American population. Repetitive use of the word â€Å"they†refers to his employers, who are presumably White, and therefore symbolize the rest of American society (Hughes, in Madden, page #). Their treatment of him, such as making him eat in the kitchen, becomes the representation of the way Black Americans, in general, are treated. By using these personal terms, Hughes has managed to employ symbolism in a way that also connects him to others. Hughes also states â€Å"I, too, sing America†and here he is using irony, as such a thing is not really possible. The irony is that he praises America and its values while at the same time drawing attention to the way he is seen as somehow inferior to others because of the color of his skin. The ending lines, which include the phrase â€Å"they’ll†¦be ashamed†are also ironic (Hughes, in Madden, page #). The poem was written to highlight the fact that Black Americans have been treated as something to be ashamed of and Hughes denounces this fact, creating irony by stating the obvious. Read Also: Critical Essay Topic Ideas This use of irony portrays Hughes’ condemnation of certain aspects of society. The easy diction of the poem belies its deeper meaning. Through the use of simple vocabulary and rather unusual syntax, Hughes delivers a powerful message in a manner that even a casual reader can understand. Short phrases easily roll of the tongue while breaking some of them up into odd lines makes the reader think about their meaning in a different, but directed, way. By adding breaks between such passages as â€Å"tomorrow†and â€Å"I’ll be at the table†, Hughes creatively draws attention to the fact that he, and his race, will be stronger, and richer, and more respected when the White people of America least expect it (Hughes, in Madden, page #). In this way, too, does Hughes bring the tense of the poem from present to future. Hughes is adept at using diction to define the tone and deepen the understanding of underlying themes in his poetry. Langston Hughes’ reputation as an important poet and author was based on works such as â€Å"I, Too†which state a profound issue in simple terms. By analyzing the usage of symbolism, irony, and the diction Hughes employs, the more important, underlying, concepts come to light. Hughes does this by reiterating the fundamental pride and love he retains for the country of America while subtly pointing out the way Black Americans are treated as hypocritical and unfair. America is a land founded on freedoms, and equality, diversity, and perseverance are the qualities which will allow all citizens, regardless of skin color, to reach their goals and realize their dreams.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Progressive Insurance Company
1. 1 Progressive Insurance Company offers its services to over 10 million people, making it one of the largest auto insurance companies in the U. S. A. There are various initiatives devised by Progressive to improve service quality under the five dimensions of service quality which are following. Reliability: a. Progressive offers a high-tech method for calculating auto insurance premiums on a pay-as-you-go basis to perform the promised, customized and differentiated services. b.Progressive group introduced Comparison Quotes: 1-800-AUTO-PRO, a technologically advanced auto insurance rate comparison-shopping service. c. A major innovation is Progressive’s implementation of fast service. With immediate response, Progressive could do their things better and reduce cost in business. Responsiveness: a. Progressive’s auto insurance policy is loaded with special features such as local response claims service, 24/7 live support and concierge level of claims service, without any additional fees. b. Progressive furnishes attractive discounts to their customers.These discounts can largely benefit people, who are good students, mature drivers or have a good driving record. c. Progressive’s innovative Gold Card could be broken in half, facilitating the exchange of information between drivers after an accident. Assurance: Progressive group offers auto insurance to all types of drivers. It respected for the customers and had effective communication with customers. Customers choose Progressive automobile insurance for its extensive coverage options, competitive rates and specialized claims service.Empathy: a. Since its inception, Progressive has followed an innovative approach to auto insurance. For customers who were unable to pay one annual payment, it allowed them to pay their premiums in monthly installments. b. Drivers who signed up for Autograph were offered an additional set of services that were unrelated to insurance. These service features, which included theft recovery, remote door unlocking, travel directions, low-battery detection, and emergency assistance help, were caring and sympathy to customers. Tangibles: . Progressive owned 350 local claims offices, which shared the information on the accident and customer through a centralized database, and 1400 IRV used for immediate response service. b. Progressive used Immediate Response Vehicles which were Ford vans outfitted with a desk, file cabinet, drapes, cell phones, generator, computer and printer, chairs, fax machine, and small refrigerator. The white vans, with the Progressive name emblazoned in blue, are tangible evidence of the care and service exhibited by Progressive. c.In the Houston office, a team consisted of ten persons with five in the field doing Immediate Response and five in the office answering phones , dispatching agents, and processing long-term claims. 1. 2 There exist two initiatives which either address the service dimensions not tackled by Progress ive or may further enhance the initiatives they have devised. a. Progressive could set up a department of service quality which is responsible for supervising the process of offering services, collecting the complaints of customers, and improving products and services from high quality perspective. . Progressive could attach more importance on human resource management through a comprehensive set of training, evaluation and incentive mechanism. Therefore, it is significant that stimulating claim representatives to work actively and newer reps to grow faster. 1. 3 a. Autograph relied on GPS satellites, mapping technology, and internal computers to determine when and how much a vehicle was driven. This information was uploaded monthly to Progressive’s database. b.Progressive’s ability to segment depended upon its sophisticated underwriting software, which allowed agents to set rates at finer levels than its competition. c. Advances in technology, particularly wireless te chnology and cell phones, made Progressive’s leap into 24/7 service possible. d. IR system facilitated the seamless flow of information and enabled Progressive claims representatives to work up estimates immediately. e. Progressive’s price segmenting consisted of data mining and extensive statistical analysis of customer behavior. f.Claims representatives relied on their cell phones in the early days of IR calling dispatchers to relay data and retrieve coverage information from the claims center and the company’s mainframe. 1. 4 Progressive Insurance has been selling reasonably-priced car insurance since 1937. They started by offering car insurance policies through independent insurance brokers. These brokers sold a variety of car insurance policies from various insurance companies. The initial policies were designed to provide insurance to consumers who were considered high-risk because of their driving record.The company has grown significantly since 1937 and now offers a wide variety of car insurance policies to all consumers. Progressive Insurance’s service oriented strategy has recreated the standard for how car insurance is sold and how claims are handled. –External customer Actions: Progressive enhanced customer satisfaction through various service manners. First, Progressive was one of the first insurers to enter the non-standard market, in which it quickly became a dominant player. , to offer their services for high-risk customers.Progressive’s strength lay in its ability to finely segment its customer base. Second, a major innovation was Progressive’s implementation of Immediate Response, which is one of the best ways to enhance customer satisfaction. Their mobile claims offices and Immediate Response Vehicles could verify information, soothe policyholders and expedite the claims process at the site of an accident. Third, Progressive’s Comparison Quotes provided prospective customers who called Progressive’s toll-free number with rates from Progressive and up to three competitors.In such way, they provided the multiply choice for consumer to compare different insurers. Measurements: The amount of complaints and advices collected from customers should be seriously considered. Besides, questionnaires could help Progressive know the first-hand information about the degree of customer satisfaction. –Financial Actions: Progressive set aside portion of the premiums collected from policyholders to cover losses. They invested funds set aside for loss reserves, unearned premium reserves, policyholders’ surplus, and shareholders’ equity.According to the Exhibit 2 table of Auto Insurance Costs and Profits,Progressive focus on cost reduction in several aspects including commissions fees, costs of operations, state premium taxes, and dividends to policyholders. Measurements: From Exhibit 5 table of Progressive Selected Financials, loss ratio, expense ratio, combined ratio could be necessary measurements for Progressive Insurance to understand the cost problems. –Internal business operations Actions: Progressive’s auto insurance was sold through both dedicated and independent agents as well as directly to the consumer via telephone and Internet.Meanwhile, Progressive made efforts on shortening the process of dealing with the customer request of car accident and other claims. Measurements: Progressive consequently se out to encourage policyholders to report accidents immediately. It instituted a Claims Reporting Index (CRI) that monitored how long it took a customer to report an accident. –Learning and growth Actions: Progressive had two simple operating principles: â€Å"hire the best†and â€Å"pay the most†for expressing employee satisfaction. They put their employees through crucible that is a highly competitive and challenging place to work.What’s more, Progressive was willing to train new representatives to help them grow faster to be more experienced ones. Measurements: Progressive had the best people in the industry as measured by education, intelligence, initiative, work ethic, and work record. Progressive could also utilize Employee Satisfaction Index including data from employee survey, focus groups, absenteeism, and voluntary terminations. 1. 5 The company is customer-oriented and has developed new business practices that use information technology with a customer focus.These IT practices are designed to provide high quality customer service and to create an environment in which the customer can quickly and easily purchase car insurance and handle their insurance claims. –Customer For external customer, purchase a boat or motorcycle policy on the Progressive website, customers can cut through the time and paperwork usually required to insure these vehicles. File a claim or manage the policy on Progressive website, customers can file your claim and monito r the settlement without having to phone or write to a claims representative.For internal customer, Progressive’s claims representatives relied on advanced technology, particularly wireless technology and cell phones to shorten turnaround time in responding to urgent accidents. –Financial For IT services provided to external and internal customers, Progressive focused on both revenue and cost. Progressive absorbed the cost of installing in the policyholder’s automobiles a GPS transponder, cellular communication system, and small computer as well as cabling and connectors (roughly $500 per vehicle). Besides, IT services provided by Progressive attracted more customers and increased revenue. -Internal IT operations Progressive should focus on how to optimize IT operation. The seamless flow of information facilitated by the Immediate Response system enabled Progressive to work up estimates immediately. Progressive could take actions to reduce downtime through bette r database capacity planning. –Learning and growth Progressive was committed to technological leadership in an industry that was growing increasingly excited about employing technologies such as GPS and cellular modems for enterprise growth. Progressive should provide more technical trainings to administrators.
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